Source- Central Bank of Kenya

Date – December 2021

Title- 2021 FinAccess Household Survey

Editor’s Note– (As Quoted by FSD Kenya)- The 2021 FinAccess Household survey is the 6th round of household surveys, commonly referred to as “FinAccess,” jointly conducted by the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK), the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS), and FSD Kenya every two to three years to establish the level of financial inclusion, as well as to measure the drivers and usage of financial services in Kenya. The 2021 Survey is unique in a number of ways; firstly, it was undertaken in the midst of the evolving Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic coupled with localized shocks such as the locust invasion and drought; secondly, this Survey is the first in the series to provide national and County (47 Devolved Government Units) level data, and; lastly, the questionnaire deepened coverage of all the dimensions of financial inclusion such as including sustainable finance (green finance).

The surveys are a source of rich data for policymakers to help them identify barriers and opportunities for inclusive finance in Kenya. The private sector can obtain useful information for identifying new market opportunities and filling in gaps to provide financial solutions that are relevant for the market and researchers and academia can further their knowledge to contribute to the development of an inclusive financial ecosystem.

Read the full survey Here. Available with permission.

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